Eunisell Recruitment : Chief Finance Officer, Comm. Manager & Exec. Assistant

 7HrL6On2KlNrmTzS5aQzGwFoBx65Cr5p2xVxRLi4ZzM8HPm6Adw3x9yT6JdDsMnjzkeGRzGVClZsftxggDPvhI5SpsbT1OKEuxiRgkZz7IiIKFjp1+GvWmq2Y5HRSEOBjOHArbS1CjTtSOigm4L4thBcC4nOcqpRUWrSx8Ea0IrOfz7lta1WCagakVcxN3gtAPgGg5+q9fq0TtZjumOThsZt2+GeR9fVVCI5tGen0158ln+JRGrPA6FzhLZ4p8f25Bx/S2O1WCCqYKTJiC8OHGcCGYOcD6KoRHNo17eH9lrfvafb3ymCwJ3NwBv8AID3WbNXibbpy8J+2vFsIyPE4xkKnRHNrOTFt4xgykdvke/8Ak4lYoimXXQk17ZiZse3cOi0SPMj3PPMlYojIiiU20EREDn//2Q==
Eunisell is a chemical, speciality fluid management and oil service company. We supply key products and solutions to a wide base of customers operating in the automotive, manufacturing and oil & gas industries in Africa

He should be a management finance professional with broad knowledge to maage the company's financial accounting, treasury management, provision of management and statutory reports, and support the organisation's business planning and performance management processes


- Financial Planning
- Provision of Capital and Administration of Funds
- Accounting and Control Protection of Assets
- Tax Administration
- Evaluation & Consulting
- Management Information System


- Accounting Operations
- Performance Repoting & Mangement of the Business Planning Process
- Treasury and Cash Management
- Risk Management
- Funds Acquisition


- B.Sc in Accounting with ICAN
- 12 years relevant work experience in Financial Management
- Must be currently a Chief Finance officer or equivalent position
- Proficient in MS words, Excel, PowerPoint & AMS


This is a strategic position that ensures the Managing Director's office runs effectively

- Making decisions and offering directives on behalf of the MD under his guidance
- Working with the MD to ensure tasks set in the workplan are achieved
- Representing the MD in meetings with clients as well as internal meetings as directed
- Managing corporate communications and company's image
- Ensuring good relationships are maintained with key external clients and stakeholders on behalf of the MD and preparing and managing correspondences on behalf of the MD

- Employee Relationship
- Organisational Development and Perfornance
- Excellent presentation and interpersonal skills
- Planning and Organizing
- Information and Record Administration
- Communication Skills
- Knowledge and use of Microsoft Windows and Office Applications

- B.Sc in Business Administration & Management or its equivalent
- MBA in Corporate Secretarial, Marketing, HR Management or PR/Communications is an added advantage
- 5 years experience in corporate organisations
- Must be currently in Executive Assistant in an Organisation orequivalent position


Should be of good knowlwdge to create, implement and oversee communication programms that effectively build and promote the organisation and product brands

- Communications/marketing plan for the Company and practice areas
- Develop and implement company's social media strategy
- Develop and implement company's adverting and public relations strategy
- Edit and arrange for updates, production and printing of communication materials

- Brand Communication and Media Planning
- Marketing Operations
- Customer Management Interaction
- Leveraging good marketing practice
- Excellent oral and written communication skills
- Excellent presentationsand interpersonal skills
- Knowledge and use of Microsoft and Office Applications

- B.Sc in Mass Communication, or its equivalent
- MBA in Marketing, PR/Communications is an advantage
- 5 years experience in corporate organisations
- Must be currently a Communication Manager or equivalent position

How to Apply:

Interested persons should send their CV to
All enteries are expected on or before on the 5th of October, 2010
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