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![]() Recruitment is usually at entry point but occasionally experienced hands or professionals may be recruited to fill identified critical job positions if the need arises. On recruitment, the new hires undergo an intensive and highly structured training to equip them with requisite skills in mainline banking operations. Subsequent training and development programmes will be streamlined along career path options. Career progression in the bank is largely performance driven and to some extent dependent on qualifications. However, at senior management levels, availability of vacancy is a critical factor. The grading system is highly structured but in line with industry standard. An employee can develop a career along two broad career path options in the bank- Strategic Business Units [SBUs] and Strategic Resource Functions [SRFs] based on demonstrated skills and competencies. Strategic Business units consist of core banking functions such as Marketing/Relationship Management, Credit Risk Management, Treasury & Funds Management, Branch Banking Operations, Credit Recovery etc. Strategic Resource functions consist of support functions such as Legal Services, Information Technology,Human,Capital,Management etc.
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